Examples of How to Write an Informal Wedding Invitation

More and more couples are using informal wording on their wedding invitations to better reflect their personal style (and we love it!) While there’s nothing wrong with a formally worded invitation, modern wording is often simplified with fun introductions, omitted titles, straightforward dates, and a playful mention of the reception.
Regardless of your personal style, the details still matter. Make sure your invitation still has all of the information that’s most critical to your event: who is hosting, where and when your wedding will take place, the nature of the event, and how guests can submit a response.
Examples of informal wedding invitation wording:
Together with their families
Elizabeth Mattingly and Marshall Sterling
invite you to celebrate
their marriage
Saturday, February 15, 2020
at two o’clock
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, California
Drinks, dinner, and dancing to follow
Talia Levinson and David Greene
invite you to celebrate
their marriage
Saturday, November 9, 2020
at four o’clock
Jepson Center
Savannah, Georgia
Dinner and dancing to follow
Brandi Oliver and Jamie Harris
invite you to share
the joy their marriage
Saturday, March 28, 2020
at two o’clock
Zhou B Art Center
Chicago, Illinois
Reception to follow immediately
Please share in our joy
at the marriage of our son
Cole Matthew Davis
Ricard James Lindquist
Saturday, May 30, 2020
at seven o’clock
Carondelet House
Los Angeles, California
Dinner and dancing to follow
You are invited
to the marriage of
Jessica Lynn Chan
Matthew Landon Shaw
We hope you will join us
to celebrate our marriage
Saturday, the twenty-seventh of June
two thousand twenty
at five o’clock
Bluff Mountain Inn
Sevierville, Tennessee
Reception to follow immediately
Examples of playful request lines:
Good food, great music, and bad dancing
Come for the love, stay for the party
Love truly, drink deeply, and dance badly
First comes love, now comes marriage!
Love is in the air
Join us for a wonderful evening of merriment and marriage
What are you doing Saturday, April 18 at 4:30 p.m.?
Nothing? Perfect.
We love how modern couples are breaking the mold and using informal wording to set the stage for their special day, but the first step is to find that perfect invitation! Greenvelope has a full collection of wedding invitations that you can browse here.