Gender reveal party: couple holding a gender reveal balloon

You have a bun baking in the oven, and you’ve been not-so-patiently waiting for a discreetly sealed envelope from the doctor’s office. To build the anticipation for discovering your baby’s sex, it’s time to plan a gender reveal party and invite your friends, family, and other loved ones

Here we share all the details of how to throw a gender reveal party, including ways to do the reveal, fun games, inventive themes, and adorable invitations to create excitement. 

Gender Reveal Party Announcement Ideas: How to Break the Good News

Gender reveal party: Boy or Girl Invitation

Design: Clementine Creative

Are you going to have a baby girl or baby boy? Consider these creative ideas to share the big news.

  • Bake a few cupcakes: If you want to switch things up from the standard gender reveal cake, try baking cupcakes instead. Use this recipe to make your treats, then let guests discover the gender of your new baby when you take a bite. 
  • Play egg roulette: To play egg roulette, take a dozen eggs, painting six pink and blue. Use a pin to poke (then drain) eleven eggs of their yolks. Take turns smashing each of the eggs — the color of the egg with the remaining yolk represents the sex of your baby.
  • Pop a balloon: Plenty of party stores offer gender reveal balloons filled with confetti or colored powder. When you pop the balloon, it will rain confetti just like New Year’s Eve in New York City — helping to pop-off the celebration.
  • Strike a piñata: Want a sweet way to announce your baby’s sex? Fill a piñata with one color of candy (think pink Starbursts for a girl or perhaps blue Hersey’s kisses for a boy), then take turns trying to break it open.
  • Spray silly string: If you’re bummed about not being able to use smoke poppers, here is a safer way to share your big news. Assign one family member to learn the sex of the baby, then have them purchase colored silly string. At the party, the entire family can start spraying, sharing in the big reveal.
  • Launch a cannon: Want to announce your baby’s gender with a bang? These gender reveal confetti cannons don’t require an open flame to work — simply twist the bottom and compressed air launches pink or blue confetti into your party.

Note: To prevent some disastrous wildfires, you should never use a pyrotechnic device (anything that requires an open flame) at your gender reveal party. Therefore, avoid flammable products — like smoke bombs — at your get-together.

Gender Reveal Party Games: How to Kick Things up a Notch 

Gender reveal party: Gradient-Reveal-Invitation

Design: Monika Drachal

Obviously, revealing your baby’s sex will be the highlight of the afternoon. However, to keep the party going, expectant parents can play a number of fun games with family members and friends, including: 

  • Guess the baby food game: Tear the labels off various jars of baby food, then have each party goer guess the flavor of the food. (Yes, some daredevils transform this game into a taste-testing game, but you won’t get an inch of judgement from us if you don’t go there!)
  • Baby reveal bingo: Want a simple game that involves the whole family? Purchase cards online, print them out at home, then get everyone involved for baby reveal bingo.
  • Guess that baby: When RSVPing for the event, have every guest submit a baby photo of themselves. At the party, have each guest try to guess which photo goes with each person.
  • Gender prediction: Before the big reveal, you simply have to guess whether the baby will be a boy or girl. Whoever guesses correctly wins a simple party favor
  • Baby scavenger hunt: For a fun activity guests can complete throughout the party, give each person a list of scavenger hunt clues to track down. The last clue should be something monumental, like the baby’s ultrasound photo.
  • Baby punch pong: Take a PG-approach to the classic beer pong game by filling cups with punch. Use two colors, with one team drinking blue punch and the other team drinking pink.
  • Carnival balloons: Hang up pink and blue balloons on a piece of plywood (or your backyard fence). Have the guests take turns throwing darts at the various balloons, allowing different colors of confetti to rain down. 

Gender Reveal Party Alternatives: Gender-Neutral and Other Festivities to Celebrate

What Whale it be? Invitation

Design: Signature Greenvelope

While learning your baby’s sex is a fun celebration, you can have a blast going beyond the traditional gender reveal party ideas. If you want to put a different spin on your get-together, here are a few ideas to get the party started:

  • Forget the blue and pink: Sure, pink and blue party supplies are popular, but they aren’t the only two colors choices for baby reveals. To announce the baby’s sex, go for a more neutral color palette of green, yellow, or beige.
  • Name reveal party: If you choose not to gender the baby — yet still want to throw a big bash — bring family and friends together to announce the baby’s name. You can still play the same games or construct a grand announcement, without gender playing a key role.
  • Zodiac sign party: Rather than a gender reveal party, throw an astrology party where you celebrate the zodiac sign of the child. You can read horoscopes, pull tarot cards, and share old wives’ tales about the baby’s sign. 
  • Pregnancy reveal: Rather than wait to find out the baby’s sex, gather your closest friends together earlier. Throw a “We’re pregnant!” party to share your big news, rather than simply sharing on social media
  • Throw a rainbow party: You can still announce the sex of your baby, but leave the stereotypical gender roles aside. Throw a baby reveal party by celebrating all colors of the rainbow instead.

Gender Reveal Party Invitations: How to Invite Your Guests

Whimsy Reveal Invitation

Design: Jessica Williams

Ready to gather your closest friends and family together for your grand announcement? These gender reveal invites will get the news out to those you love most: 

  • Whimsy Reveal Invitation: Will it be a boy or girl? This classic design by Jessica Williams showcases fun confetti and glitter accents and comes in a metallic-lined envelope. 
  • Gradient Reveal Invitation: This modern invitation by Monika Drachal could be used for a baby shower or baby reveal party. Soft gradients of two colors help announce the sex of the baby.
  • Whimsical Textile Invitation: Looking for a non-binary invitation? This gender neutral card by PrettyMeJoy is filled with fun prints in green, peach, and other pastel colors. 
  • Boy or Girl Invitation: This simple invitation by Clementine Creative features two cute onesies and a metallic envelope. You can easily customize the color palette to suit your tastes.
  • What Whale it Be? Invitation: This fun invitation by Signature Greenvelope comes in three gender-neutral color palettes for your celebration.

Bring Your Loved Ones Together for Your Gender Reveal Party

Learning the sex of your baby is a joyous moment in your lives. Greenvelope makes it easy to gather all of your loved ones together for this celebration.

With Greenvelope, you can simply upload a .CSV file of your friends’ and family members‘ email addresses to easily send out your invitations. From there, have fun customizing a pre-built template, and fire off your gorgeous invite to your guests. 

Ready to start planning a gender reveal party for all your loved ones? Browse through these gender reveal party invitations to get started.