Greenvelope’s First Team Retreat to Whidbey Island

It was a rare scene indeed. Kyle and Preston, our tech geniuses, had just flown in the night before from the Midwest and were now gathering around the office sofa with the rest of the Greenvelope team to play a round of “so what do you do at Greenvelope?” The Greenvelope Retreat officially started with a Friday Mariners game where Cliff disappeared to woo a girl and Lauren sipped from an elegant glass of chilled white wine as the crowd cheered when the Mariners beat the Oakland A’s.
Saturday morning the team divided into two cars and drove through Deception Pass on the way to a cabin on Whidbey Island. It was one of the hottest days in Seattle, but the team barely felt the heat thanks to the breeze from Penn Cove. As Michelle, Sam, and Lauren prepared some fresh fruit, smoked salmon, and cheese, Olivia and the tech guys took in the magnificent view, while Cliff led Noni in a meditation session. At some point Sam brought out the bait cages and fish heads for crabbing. Lauren and Preston volunteered to be his first crew for setting the bait. They soon discovered that Sam was the only one strong enough to row the boat against the current. As Lauren said to Sam, “We would have been lost at sea without you!” read more…