3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules

Are you ready for Thanksgiving? I can’t believe the day is nearly here! If you are anything like me, you have been a busy bee and are now scrambling to finalize your menu and pull together your table setting. Welcome procrastinators, I’m hoping that I can give you some assistance today!

I am excited to be here today to share my 3 favorite table settings that are perfect for your Thanksgiving festivities. If you are feeling a little over pumpkins and fall harvest colors, come feast your eyes on a few fresh ideas that might just inspire you to try something a little different this year…

3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules
3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules

This first table breaks all of the rules of the traditional ideas of a Thanksgiving table, but to be honest it is my number one contender for this year. I wanted to create something soft and light with pops of color. A whimsical table is always a favorite in my home!

3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules

While there are a few more DIY elements to this table, they are very easy and can be completed within two hours at the most. The yarn runner is simply several strands of yarn strung loosely across the table. The glass bottles are wrapped in yarn and secured with small ball head straight pins, then filled with table salt that hits just below the top yarn line. Because the taper candlesticks would not fit into each bottle top, I secured with a brass rod. I heated an 1/8” thick brass rod and fed it through the bottom of each table candle, cut the rod down to size (depending on the bottle depth), and stuck into the salt filled bottles. I also gold-leafed and stamped little cards with the word “merci.” Each of these cards sit atop the place settings and will be used to write notes of gratitude for neighboring dinner mates. I love to do a version of this activity each year for my birthday, which always falls near Thanksgiving, as it is a great way to make your dinner party interactive for your guests.

3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules

Table number two is one I created last year and is of my absolute favorites. I partnered with glassybaby, Simple & Crisp, and Keita of Smashing Petals to bring it to life.

3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules
3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules
3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules

There is nothing quite like the glow of a glassybaby. Or several for that matter! And you can actually rent these little votives for your party, how sweet is that?! To create this centerpiece, you will just need lots of dried oranges (no time? keep it easy and just buy a handful of boxes of Simple & Crisp!), simple florals, green garland (if you don’t have a green thumb, you may need to call on a floral loving friend), cut tree slices, and a couple handfuls of glassybaby votives (or any other pretty votives will do!) This lovely setting is warm and will surely make your guests feel welcomed.

3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules
3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules

This final favorite table setting is a collaboration of many talents – Sam of Handmade SamMade is the himmeli artist, Kate of The Cobra Lily is the magic behind the paper flowers, and Brady Rushing captured it all with his lens.

We wanted to create a fall setting that captured the dark moodiness of the season. This centerpiece does exactly that. Because fresh flowers are not always bountiful this time of year, paper varieties are a perfect substitute. And, they pair so well with Sam’s gilded himmeli structures! Lots of candles are also key to this dark and moody setting, so make sure you stock up! I imagine that your guests will surely feel transported to another world while sitting around this table.

3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules
3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules
3 Thanksgiving Tablescapes That Break All The Rules

Happy turkey eating, stuffed stuffing, pumpkin pie indulging week to you all!

XO Brynn | dandy & fine parties

p.s. Thank you so much to my Greenvelope friends for having me over today!