Someone once said to me that the main reason why a couple chooses to have a destination wedding is to keep the wedding small without having to compromise on the guest list. Whether or not you agree with that, here are six things not to do when planning a destination wedding:
1. Inviting people you dislike: Since your guests will be spending money and time to fly to your wedding, they will most likely also turn the trip into their own personal vacation and stay longer than the actual wedding. So before you send your ex an invite, ask yourself if you really want to see him for more than a day.
2. Sending invitations at the last minute: If you want anyone to show up, you need to send out invitations, or at least save the dates, as soon as possible so your guests can plan ahead. Digital invitations can save you a lot of time!
3. Forgetting to the check the weather: The last thing you want is a hurricane to ruin your wedding day.
4. Forgetting to take care of your guests: Did Sally fly to the wrong airport or Marcus get a sunburn because he forgot to pack sunscreen? Remember to provide important transportation information on Greenvelope’s details page and welcome baskets with essentials for your guests.
5. Not asking for help: Planning a wedding at a distance can become overwhelming. Hire a destination wedding planner to help shoulder some of the burden.
6. Underestimating costs: It’s easy to forget to factor in expenses such as welcome bags, unexpected activities, and travel costs.
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